Job No.: TCS01196/22










WSD Contract No.: 7/WSD/21 -

Construction of Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension and Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station










Monthly Environmental Monitoring and Audit Report ¡V November 2024









Prepared For





China Road and Bridge Corporation













Reference No.

Prepared By

Certified By



Tam Kok Fung, Benjamin

Tam Tak Wing

9 December 2024




Environmental Team







9 December 2024

First Submission















executive summary

ES.01.        Water Supplies Department (WSD) is the Proponent of the Works Contract 7/WSD/21 ¡§Construction of Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension and Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station¡¨ (hereinafter named as the ¡§Works Contract¡¨). Under this Works Contracts, the works mainly comprise of increasing the water treatment capacity of Siu Ho Wan water treatment works (SHW WTW) from 150,000m3 per day to 300,000m3 per day within the existing water treatment works compound, by constructing new water treatment facilities and a new laboratory building and modifying the existing associated facilities; and constructing a new raw water booster pumping station at Siu Ho Wan to increase the raw water transfer capacity from Tai Lam Chung Reservoir to SHW WTW. 

ES.02.        According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the proposed Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension is a Designated Project under Schedule 2, which shall be implemented under the Environmental Permit EP-207/2005/A (hereinafter called the ¡§EP¡¨).   Besides, the works for Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station is a non-designated project which mentioned in Section 1.10 of Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual.

ES.03.        On 20 March 2022, China Road and Bridge Corporation (hereinafter called the ¡§Main Contractor¡¨) awarded the Works Contracts 7/WSD/21.  According to EM&A Manual, only air quality monitoring is required to be conducted which related to the works area under Contracts 7/WSD/21 during construction phase of the SHW WTW Extension.  Moreover, site inspection and audit is required under the EM&A program to ensure the recommended environmental mitigation measures are implemented properly and effective. 

ES.04.        The Main-Contractor appointed Action-United Environmental Services & Consulting (AUES) as the Environmental Team of the Project (hereinafter referred as the ¡§ET¡¨) to implement air quality monitoring as well as associated duties in accordance with the EM&A Manual stipulation.

ES.05.        As advised by the Contractor, the major construction works under Works Contract was commenced on 24 May 2022.  This is the 31st Monthly EM&A Report presenting monitoring results and inspection finding for the Project for the reporting period from 1 to 30 November 2024.

Environmental Monitoring and Audit Activities

ES.06.        Environmental monitoring activities under the EM&A programme for the Contract in the Reporting Month are summarized in the following table.


Environmental Monitoring Parameters / Inspection


Air Quality

24-Hour TSP


Inspection / Audit

ET Regular Environmental Site Inspection


Joint site audit with Project Manager¡¦s Delegate and IEC


Action and Limit Levels exceedance

ES.07.        In the Reporting Month, no air quality monitoring exceedance was recorded.

Site Inspection

ES.08.        In the Reporting Month, joint site inspections to evaluate the site environmental performance had been carried out by the representatives of the PMD, ET and the Contractor on 5, 12, 19 and 26 November 2024. Joint site inspection with PMD, ET, IEC and the Contractor was carried out on 19 November 2024.  No non-compliance was recorded during the site inspections.

Environmental Complaint

ES.09.       In the Reporting Month, no environmental complaint was received.

Notification of Summons and Successful Prosecutions

ES.010.    In the Reporting Month, no prosecution or notification of summons was received.

Reporting Change

ES.011.    There is no reporting change made for this monthly report.

Future Key Issues

ES.012.    For dry season, special attention should be paid on the potential construction dust impact since most of the construction sites are adjacent to Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works. The Contractor should fully implement the construction dust mitigation measures as appropriately.

ES.013.    All effluent discharge shall fulfill the requirement of Discharge Licence under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.

ES.014.    All other mitigation measures recommended in the Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures of the EM&A Manual should be properly implemented and maintained as far as practicable.

Table of Contents

1     Introduction   i

1.1       Project Background   i

1.2       Report Structure  ii

2     Project OrganiSation and Construction progress  iii

2.1       Project Organisation   iii

2.2       Construction Progress  iv

2.3       Summary of Environmental permits and Licences  iv

3     Summary of Impact monitoring Requirements  vi

3.1       General  vi

3.2       Monitoring Parameters  vi

3.3       Monitoring Locations  vi

3.4       Monitoring Frequency and Period   vi

3.5       Monitoring Equipment  vi

3.6       Monitoring Procedures  vii

3.7       Derivation of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels  viii

3.8       Meteorological Information   viii

3.9       Data Management and Data Quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC) viii

4     Air Quality Monitoring   ix

4.1       General  ix

4.2       Air Monitoring Results  ix

5     Waste Management   x

5.1       General Waste Management  x

5.2       Records of Waste Quantities  x

6     Site Inspections  xi

6.1       requirements  xi

6.2       Findings / Deficiencies During the Reporting Month   xi

7     Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliances  xii

7.1       Environmental Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions  xii

8     Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures  xiii

8.1       General Requirements  xiii

8.2       Tentative Construction Activities in the Coming Month   xiii

8.3       Key Issues for the Coming Month   xiii

9     Conclusions and Recommendations  xiii

9.1       Conclusions  i

9.2       Recommendations  i


List of TABLES

Table 2-1        Status of Environmental Licences and Permits of the Contract

Table 3-1        Summary of Monitoring Parameters

Table 3-2        Designated Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Table 3-3        Air Quality Monitoring Equipment

Table 3-4        Action and Limit Levels of Air Quality

Table 4-1        Summary of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Result - SHWAB

Table 5-1        Summary of Quantities of Inert C&D Materials for the Contract

Table 5-2        Summary of Quantities of C&D Wastes for the Contract

Table 6-1        Site Observations for the Contract

Table 7-1        Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Table 7-2        Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Table 7-3        Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution


List of Appendices

Appendix A    Layout Plan of the Project

Appendix B   Project Organisation

Appendix C   3-month rolling construction programme

Appendix D   Monitoring Locations

Appendix E    Calibration certificates

Appendix F    Event and Action Plan

Appendix G   Monitoring schedule

Appendix H    Database of monitoring result

Appendix I     Graphical plots for monitoring result

Appendix J    Meteorological data

Appendix K   Waste Flow Table

Appendix L    Environmental Complaints Log

Appendix M   Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures



1                    Introduction

1.1              Project Background

1.1.1        Water Supplies Department (WSD) is the Proponent of the Works Contract 7/WSD/21 ¡V Construction of Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension and Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station (hereinafter named as the ¡§Works Contract¡¨).  The Project works predicted by WSD will be undertaken about 34 months.  Layout plan of the Project is shown in Appendix A. 


1.1.2        According to the Environmental Impact Assessment Ordinance (EIAO), the proposed Siu Ho Wan Water Treatment Works Extension is a Designated Project under Schedule 2, which shall be implemented under the Environmental Permit EP-207/2005/A (hereinafter called the ¡§EP¡¨).   Besides, the works for Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station is a non-designated project which mentioned in Section 1.10 of Environmental Monitoring and Audit (EM&A) Manual.


1.1.3        The Works Contract construction activities mainly include:-

                       a.          Extension of the existing Siu Ho Wan WTW within the existing Siu Ho Wan WTW compound from a capacity of 150,000 m3/day to 300,000 m3/day

                       b.          Uprating of the treated/fresh water pumping capacity in the existing Siu Ho Wan Raw Water and Fresh Water Pumping Station within the existing Siu Ho Wan WTW compound from a capacity of 150,000 m3/day to 300,000 m3/day

                       c.          Construction of the proposed Siu Ho Wan Raw Water Booster Pumping Station and the laying of the associated water mains


1.1.4        On 20 March 2022, China Road and Bridge Corporation (hereinafter called the ¡§Main Contractor¡¨) awarded the Works Contracts 7/WSD/21.  According to EM&A Manual, only air quality monitoring is required to be conducted which related to the works area under Contracts 7/WSD/21 during construction phase of the SHW WTW Extension.  Moreover, site inspection and audit is required under the EM&A program to ensure the recommended environmental mitigation measures are implemented properly and effective. 


1.1.5        The Main-Contractor appointed Action-United Environmental Services & Consulting (AUES) as the Environmental Team of the Project (hereinafter referred as the ¡§ET¡¨) to implement air quality (baseline and impact) monitoring as well as associated duties in accordance with the EM&A Manual stipulation.


1.1.6        Some design changes of the Project have been identified after the EIA stage for betterment in the design development. Some of these changes requires supplementary environmental review to address their likely environmental impacts and to identify any additional mitigation measures required for compliance with the EIAO. Supplementary environmental review has been performed for the changes and the review results are presented in the ¡§Review Report on Environmental Impact Assessment (Review Report on EIA)¡¨ prepared under ¡§Agreement No. CE 82/2017 (WS)¡¨. Having reviewed the Review Report on EIA, no changes to the environmental monitoring requirement in the EM&A Manual are proposed for the work of SHW WTW Extension.


1.1.7        According to the approved EM&A Manual, only air quality is required to be monitored during the construction phase of the Project. As part of the EM&A program, baseline monitoring is required to determine the ambient environmental conditions. Pursuant to the EM&A Manual, baseline environmental monitoring is required to be conducted prior to commencement of the construction works under the Project. Baseline air quality monitoring was conducted from 8 to 21 April 2022.  During the baseline monitoring period, no major construction activities under the Project was observed.


1.1.8        As advised by the Contractor, the major construction works under Works Contract was commenced on 24 May 2022.  This is the 31st Monthly EM&A Report presenting monitoring results and inspection finding for the Project for the reporting period from 1 to 30 November 2024.


1.2              Report Structure

1.2.1        The Monthly EM&A Report is structured into the following sections:-

Section 1    Introduction

Section 2     Project Organization and Construction Progress

Section 3     Summary of Impact Monitoring Requirements

Section 4     Air Quality Monitoring

Section 5     Waste Management

Section 6     Site Inspections

Section 7     Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliances

Section 8     Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

Section 9     Conclusions and Recommendations


2                    Project OrganiSation and Construction progress

2.1              Project Organisation

2.1.1        The project organization is shown in Appendix B.  The roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in the EM&A process and the organizational structure of the organizations responsible for implementing the EM&A programme are outlined below.


Water Supplies Department (WSD)

2.1.2        WSD is the Project Proponent and the Permit Holder of the EP of the development of the Project and will assume overall responsibility for the project. An Independent Environmental Checker (IEC) shall be employed by WSD to audit the results of the EM&A works carried out by the ET.


Environmental Protection Department (EPD)

2.1.3        EPD is the statutory enforcement body for environmental protection matters in Hong Kong.


Project Manager¡¦s Delegate (PMD)

2.1.4        The PMD is responsible for overseeing the construction works and for ensuring that the works are undertaken by the Contractor in accordance with the specification and contract requirements. The duties and responsibilities of the PDM with respect to EM&A are:

Ÿ   Supervise the Contractor¡¦s activities and ensure that the requirements in the EM&A Manual are fully complied with;

Ÿ   Inform the Contractor when action is required to reduce impacts in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ   Comply with the agreed Event Contingency Plan in the event of any exceedance.


The Contractor

2.1.5        The Main Contractor is responsible perform construction works and for ensuring that the works are undertaken compliance with the specification and contract requirements. The duties and responsibilities of the Main Contractor with respect to EM&A are:

Ÿ   Employ an ET to undertake monitoring, laboratory analysis and reporting of environmental monitoring and audit;

Ÿ   Provide information / advice to the ET regarding works activities which may contribute, or be continuing to the generation of adverse environmental conditions;

Ÿ   Submit proposals on mitigation measures in case of exceedances of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ   Implement measures to reduce impact whenever Action and Limit levels are exceeded;

Ÿ   Implement the corrective actions instructed by PMD;

Ÿ   Accompany joint site audit undertaken by the ET; and

Ÿ   Adhere to the procedures for carrying out complaint investigation.


Environmental Team (ET)

2.1.6        The ET is responsible perform implementation EM&A programmes of the Contract Works as stipulated in the Updated EM&A Manual ensure the works are fully compliance with environmental regulations. The duties and responsibilities of the ET with respect to EM&A are:

Ÿ   Set up all the required environmental monitoring stations;

Ÿ   Monitor various environmental parameters as required in the EM&A Manual;

Ÿ   Analyze the EM&A data and review the success of EM&A programme to cost effectively confirm the adequacy of mitigation measures implemented and the validity of the EIA predictions and to identify any adverse environmental impacts arising;

Ÿ   Carry out site inspection to investigate and audit the Contractor¡¦s site practice, equipment and work methodologies with respect to pollution control and environmental mitigation, and take proactive actions to pre-empt problems;

Ÿ   Audit and prepare audit reports on the environmental monitoring data and site environmental conditions;

Ÿ   Report on the EM&A results to the IEC, Contractor, the PMD and EPD or its delegated representative;

Ÿ   Recommend suitable mitigation measures to the Contractor in the case of exceedance of Action and Limit levels in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ   Undertake regular and ad-hoc on-site audits / inspections and report to the Contractor and the ER of any potential non-compliance; and

Ÿ   Follow up and close out non-compliance actions.


Independent Environmental Checker (IEC)

2.1.7        The duties and responsibilities of IEC with respect to EM&A are:

Ÿ   Review the EM&A works performed by the ET (at not less than monthly intervals);

Ÿ   Audit the monitoring activities and results (at not less than monthly intervals);

Ÿ   Report the audit results to the PMD and EPD in parallel;

Ÿ   Review the EM&A reports (monthly summary reports) submitted by the ET;

Ÿ   Review the proposal on mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ   Check the mitigation measures submitted by the Contractor in accordance with the Event and Action Plans;

Ÿ   Check the mitigation measures that have been recommended in the EIA and this Manual, and ensure they are properly implemented in a timely manner, when necessary;

Ÿ   Report the findings of site inspections and other environmental performance reviews to PMD and EPD;

Ÿ   Coordinate the monitoring and auditing works for all the on-going contracts in the area in order to identify possible sources / causes of exceedances and recommend suitable remedial actions where appropriate; and

Ÿ   Coordinate the assessment and response to complaints / enquires from locals, green groups, district councils or the public at large.


2.2              Construction Progress

2.2.1        The major construction activities conducted under the Contract in the Reporting Period are listed below.  The 3-month rolling construction programme is shown in Appendix C.

Ÿ  Internal ABWF works at Pump Area at portion BPS-1

Ÿ  External ABWF works at portion BPS-1

Ÿ  E&M works at LV Switch Room and Pump Area at portion BPS-1

Ÿ  Drilling works for the installation of earthing rod at portion BPS-1

Ÿ  Construction of CLP cable drawpits and laying of ducting at external area of portion BPS

Ÿ  Construction of the DN1200 non-return valve chambers and the installation of the valves and associated watermain laying works at external area of portion BPS- 1

Ÿ  Construction of wall up to +24.0mPD at Bay 2 & 4 at portion WTW-1

Ÿ  Installation of DfMAwall and slab panels (up to +30mPD) at portion WTW-2

Ÿ  Internal ABWF works at CLP Transformer Room at portion WTW-2

Ÿ  Jointing of pipes, formwork erection, rebar fixing. installation of cable ducts and concreting for CLP cable lead-in drawpits (for portion WTW-2) at portion WTW-7 was in progress

Ÿ  Wall coring for E&M installation at existing Administration Building at portion WTW-3

Ÿ  Formwork erection for Sluice Valve Chamber of DN1200 Entrustment Mains near existing Chemical Building at portion WTW-7

Ÿ  Construction of the RC pipe trough was generally completed at portion BPS-3

Ÿ  Laying of DN1200 RWM2 and Entrusted Mains at portion BPS-3


2.3              Summary of Environmental permits and Licences

2.3.1        Summary of the relevant permits, licences, and/or notifications on environmental protection for the Project are presented in Table 2-1.

Table 2-1         Status of Environmental Licences and Permits of the Contract



Licence/Permit Status

Reference No./ License No./ Account No.

Approval Date

Expiry Date



Environmental Permit






Air Pollution Control (Construction Dust) Regulation

Ref: 477913

23 Mar 2022




Waste Disposal Regulation ¡V Billing Account for Disposal of Construction Waste

EPD Ref. No: RS02509

Acc. No.: 7043631

08 Apr 2022




Chemical Waste Producer Registration


31 May 2023




Water Pollution Control Ordinance ¡V Discharge Licence


8 Sep 2022

30 Sep 2027



Construction Noise Permit


1 Oct 2024

31 Mar 2025



3                    Summary of Impact monitoring Requirements

3.1              General

3.1.1        Only air quality monitoring is required to carry out related to Works contracts 7/WSD/21 during the construction phase to ensure the dust mitigation measures and performance properly implementation.


3.1.2        The other environmental monitoring for Works Area of Pui O was related to other Works Contracts and will be implemented by other appointed ET.


3.1.3        According to the Review Report on EIA, no changes to the environmental monitoring requirement in the EM&A Manual are proposed for the work of SHW WTW Extension. Air quality monitoring work will be implemented according to the EM&A Manual.


3.2              Monitoring Parameters

3.2.1        The EM&A program of construction phase monitoring shall cover the following environmental issues:

Ÿ   Air quality;


3.2.2        A summary of impact monitoring parameters is presented in Table 3-1:

Table 3-1           Summary of Monitoring Parameters

Environmental Issue


Air Quality

Ÿ  1-hour TSP by Real-Time Portable Dust Meter( as required in case of complaints); and

Ÿ  24-hour TSP by High Volume Air Sampler.


3.3              Monitoring Locations

3.3.1        According to the Review Report on EIA, air quality monitoring work should be implemented according to the EM&A Manual. As stated in Section 4 of EM&A Manual, there was only one air quality monitoring station designated under SHW WTW Extension.  The air quality monitoring locations is listed in Table 3-2.

Table 3-2        Designated Air Quality Monitoring Stations

Monitoring Station Identification No



Siu Ho Wan WTW Administration Building


3.4              Monitoring Frequency and Period

3.4.1        The requirements of impact monitoring are stipulated in Sections 2.1.9 of the approved EM&A Manual and presented as follows.


Air Quality Monitoring

3.4.2        Frequency of impact air quality monitoring is as follows:

Ÿ   1-hour TSP

3 times every six days (as required in case of complaints)

Ÿ   24-hour TSP

Once every 6 days during course of works.



3.5              Monitoring Equipment

Air Quality Monitoring

3.5.1        The 24-hour and 1-hour TSP levels shall be measured by following the standard high volume sampling method as set out in the Title 40 of the Code of Federal Regulations, Chapter 1 (Part 50), Appendix B.  If the ET proposes to use a direct reading dust meter to measure 1-hour TSP levels, it shall submit sufficient information to the IEC to approve.

3.5.2        The filter paper of 24-hour TSP measurement shall be determined by HOKLAS accredited laboratory.


3.5.3        All equipment to be used for air quality monitoring are listed in below table.

Table 3-3             Air Quality Monitoring Equipment



24-Hr TSP

High Volume Air Sampler

TISCH High Volume Air Sampler, HVS Model TE-5170*

Calibration Kit

TISCH Model TE-5025A*

1-Hour TSP

Portable Dust Meter

Sibata LD-3B Laser Dust monitor Particle Mass Profiler & Counter / SidePak™ Personal Aerosol Monitor AM510

* Instrument was used in the Reporting Period and the calibration certificate could be referred in Appendix E.


3.6              Monitoring Procedures

1-hour TSP

3.6.1        Operation of the 1-hour TSP meter will follow manufacturer¡¦s Operation and Service Manual.


3.6.2        The 1-hour TSP monitor, brand named ¡§Sibata LD-3B Laser Dust monitor Particle Mass Profiler & Counter¡¨ is a portable, battery-operated laser photometer. The 1-hour TSP meter provides a real time 1-hour TSP measurement based on 900 light scattering. The 1-hour TSP monitor consists of the following:

a.         A pump to draw sample aerosol through the optic chamber where TSP is measured;

b.         A sheath air system to isolate the aerosol in the chamber to keep the optics clean for maximum reliability; and

c.          A built-in data logger compatible with Windows based program to facilitate data collection, analysis and reporting.


3.6.3        The 1-hour TSP meter to be used will be within the valid period, calibrated by the manufacturer prior to purchasing. Span check and BG of the instrument will be performed before each monitoring event. A valid calibration certificate is attached in Appendix E.


24-hour TSP

3.6.4        The equipment used for 24-hour TSP measurement is the High Volume Sampler (hereinafter the ¡§HVS¡¨) brand named TISCH, Model TE-5170 TSP High Volume Air Sampler, which complied with EPA Code of Federal Regulation, Appendix B to Part 50. The HVS consists of the following:

a.                   An anodized aluminum shelter;

b.                  A 8¡¨x10¡¨ stainless steel filter holder;

c.                   A blower motor assembly;

d.                  A continuous flow/pressure recorder;

e.                   A motor speed-voltage control/elapsed time indicator;

f.                   A 7-day mechanical timer, and

g.                   A power supply of 220v/50 Hz


3.6.5        For HVS for 24-hour TSP monitoring, the HVS is mounted in a metallic cage with a top for protection and also it is sat on the existing ground or the roof of building.  The flow rate of the HVS between 0.6m3/min and 1.7m3/min will be properly set in accordance with the manufacturer¡¦s instruction to within the range recommended in EPA Code of Federal Regulation, Appendix B to Part 50.  Glass Fiber Filter 8" x 10" of TE-653 will be used for 24-Hour TSP monitoring and would be supplied by laboratory.  The general procedures of sampling are described as below:-

Ÿ   A horizontal platform with appropriate support to secure the samples against gusty wind should be provided;

Ÿ   Installed with elapsed-time meter with ¡Ó 2 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;

Ÿ   Equipped with a timing/control device with ¡Ó 5 minutes accuracy for 24 hours operation;

Ÿ   With flow control accuracy for ¡Ó 2.5% deviation over 24-hour sampling period;

Ÿ   No two samplers should be placed less than 2 meters apart;

Ÿ   The distance between the sampler and an obstacle, such as building, must be at least twice the height that the obstacle protrudes above the sample;

Ÿ   A minimum of 2 meters of separation from any supporting structure, measured horizontally is required;

Ÿ   Before placing any filter media at the HVS, the power supply will be checked to ensure the sampler work properly;

Ÿ   The filter paper will be set to align on the screen of HVS to ensure that the gasket formed an air tight seal on the outer edges of the filter.  Then filter holder frame will be tightened to the filter hold with swing bolts.  The holding pressure should be sufficient to avoid air leakage at the edge.

Ÿ   The mechanical timer will be set for a sampling period of 24 hours (00:00 mid-night to 00:00 mid-night next day).  Information will be recorded on the field data sheet, which would be included the sampling data, starting time, the weather condition at current and the filter paper ID with the initial weight;

Ÿ   After sampling, the filter paper will be collected and transfer from the filter holder of the HVS to a sealed envelope and sent to a local HOKLAS accredited laboratory for quantifying.


3.6.6        All the sampled 24-hour TSP filters will be kept in normal air conditioned room conditions, i.e. 70% HR (Relative Humidity) and 25oC, for six months prior to disposal.


3.6.7        The HVS used for 24-hour TSP monitoring will be calibrated before the commencement for sampling, and after in two months interval with the manufacturer¡¦s instruction using the NIST-certified standard calibrator (Tisch Calibration Kit Model TE-5025A) to establish a relationship between the follow recorder meter reading in cfm (cubic feet per minute) and the standard flow rate, Qstd, in m3/min.  Motor brushes of HVS will be regularly replaced of about five hundred hours per time. Valid certificates of the calibration kit and HVS are attached in Appendix E.


3.7              Derivation of Action/Limit (A/L) Levels

3.7.1        The baseline results form the basis for determining the environmental acceptance criteria for the impact monitoring.  According to the approved Environmental Monitoring and Audit Manual, the air quality criteria were set up, namely Action and Limit levels are listed in Tables 3-4.

Table 3-4             Action and Limit Levels of Air Quality

Monitoring Station

Action Level (mg /m3)

Limit Level (mg/m3)

1-hour TSP

24-hour TSP

1-hour TSP

24-hour TSP







3.8              Meteorological Information

3.8.1        The meteorological information including wind direction, wind speed, humidity, rainfall, air pressure and temperature is extracted from the Chek Lap Kok Station.  Meteorological data are attached in Appendix J.


3.9              Data Management and Data Quality assurance / quality control (QA/QC)

3.9.1        All monitoring data were handled by the ET¡¦s in-house data recording and management system.


3.9.2        The monitoring data recorded in the equipment were downloaded directly from the equipment at each monitoring day or after completion of baseline measurement.  The downloaded monitoring data were input into a computerized database properly maintained by the ET.  The laboratory results were input directly into the computerized database and checked by personnel other than those who input the data.


3.9.3        For monitoring parameters that require laboratory analysis, the local laboratory shall follow the QA/QC requirements as set out under the HOKLAS scheme for the relevant laboratory tests.

4                    Air Quality Monitoring

4.1              General

4.1.1        The air quality monitoring schedule is presented in Appendix G and the monitoring results are summarised in the following sub-sections.


4.1.2        In the reporting Period, no air quality complaint was received, thus no 1-hour TSP monitoring required to conduct according to Section 2.19 of the approved EM&A Manual.


4.2              Air Monitoring Results

4.2.1        In the Reporting Period, a total of 5 events 24-hour TSP monitoring were carried out and the monitoring results are summarized in Table 4-1.  The detailed 24-hour monitoring data are presented in Appendix H and the relevant graphical plots are shown in Appendix I.  

Table 4-1           Summary of 24-hour TSP Monitoring Result ¡V SHWAB

24-hour TSP (mg/m3)


Meas. Result














(22 ¡V 105)


4.2.2        As shown in Tables 4-1, all the 24-hour TSP monitoring results were below the Action/Limit Levels.  No Notification of Exceedance (NOE) was issued in this Reporting Period. 


4.2.3        The meteorological data during the impact monitoring days are summarized in Appendix J.


5                    Waste Management

5.1              General Waste Management

5.1.1        Waste management was carried out in accordance with the Waste Management Section in the Environmental Management Plan for the Contract.


5.2              Records of Waste Quantities

5.2.1        All types of waste arising from the construction works are broadly classified into the following:

l   Insert construction and demolition (C&D) material; and

l   C&D waste.


5.2.2        The quantities of waste for disposal in this Reporting Month under the Contract are summarised in Tables 5-1 and 5-2 and the Waste Flow Table as shown in Appendix K.  Whenever possible, materials were reused on-site as far as practicable.

Table 5-1           Summary of Quantities of Inert C&D Materials for the Contract


Quantity in Reporting Month

Disposal / Dumping Ground

Reused in this Contract (Inert) (in T)



Reused in other Contracts/ Projects (Inert) (in T)



Disposal as Public Fill (Inert) (in T)


TM 38

Table 5-2           Summary of Quantities of C&D Wastes for the Contract


Quantity in Reporting Month

Disposal / Dumping Ground

Recycled Metal (¡¥000kg)



Recycled Paper / Cardboard Packing (¡¥000kg)



Recycled Plastic (¡¥000kg)



Chemical Wastes (¡¥000kg)



General Refuses (in T)





6                    Site Inspections

6.1              requirements

6.1.1        According to the EM&A Manual, the programme of environmental site inspection shall be formulation by ET Leader.  Weekly environmental site inspections were carried out to confirm the environmental performance.


6.2              Findings / Deficiencies During the Reporting Month

6.2.1        In the Reporting Month, joint site inspections to evaluate the site environmental performance were carried out by the representatives of the PMD, ET and the Contractor on 5, 12, 19 and 26 November 2024. Joint site inspection with PMD, ET, IEC and the Contractor was carried out on 19 November 2024.  No non-compliance was recorded.


6.2.2        The findings / deficiencies observed during the weekly site inspections are listed in Table 6-1.

Table 6-1           Site Observations for the Contract


Findings / Deficiencies

Follow-Up Status

5 November 2024

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to cover dusty stockpile properly.

Ÿ  Reminder only.

12 November 2024

Ÿ  Construction waste should be removed regularly to enhance house-keeping. (WTB)

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to ensure all wastewater must be treat before discharge.

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to remove stagnant water regularly after rainstorm.

Ÿ  Construction waste was dispose properly.


Ÿ  Reminder only.



Ÿ  Reminder only.

19 November 2024

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to enhance house-keeping.

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to remove stagnant water regularly after rainy.

Ÿ  Reminder only.


Ÿ  Reminder only.

26 November 2024

Ÿ  The Contractor should provide drip tray for chemical containers to prevent leakage. (WT-W7)

Ÿ  The Contractor should cover sandy stockpile with tarpaulin sheet to reduce dust impact. (WT-W7)

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to remove stagnant water regularly to prevent mosquito breeding.

Ÿ  The Contractor was reminded to ensure all waste water must be treating before discharge.

Ÿ  Chemical container was removed.


Ÿ  Sandy stockpile was covered properly.


Ÿ  Reminder only.



Ÿ  Reminder only.








7                    Environmental Complaints and Non-Compliances

7.1              Environmental Complaints, Summons and Prosecutions

7.1.1        There was no environmental complaint, prosecution or notification of summons received in the Reporting Month.


7.1.2        The statistical summary table of the environmental complaints, summons and prosecution are presented in Tables 7-1, 7-2 and 7-3.  Detailed complaint log for the Contract is presented in Appendix L.


Table 7-1         Statistical Summary of Environmental Complaints

Reporting Month

Environmental Complaint Statistics



Project related complaint

24 May 2022 to 31 October 2024




1 to 30 November 2024





Table 7-2         Statistical Summary of Environmental Summons

Reporting Month

Environmental Summons Statistics



Project related summons

24 May 2022 to 31 October 2024




1 to 30 November 2024





Table 7-3         Statistical Summary of Environmental Prosecution

Reporting Month

Environmental Prosecution Statistics



Project related prosecution

24 May 2022 to 31 October 2024




1 to 30 November 2024





8                    Implementation Status of Mitigation Measures

8.1              General Requirements

8.1.1        The environmental mitigation measures recommended in the ISEMM in the EM&A Manual covered the issues of dust, noise, water, waste, land contamination and ecology and they are summarised and presented in Appendix M.


8.1.2        The Contract works under the Project shall be implementing the required environmental mitigation measures according to the EM&A Manual as subject to the site conditions.  Environmental mitigation measures generally implemented by the Contract and the implementation status are shown in Appendix M. 


8.2              Tentative Construction Activities in the Coming Month

8.2.1        According to the information provided by the Contractor, the major construction activities under the Contract in the coming month are listed below:

¡P         Internal and external ABWF works for BPS superstructure at portion BPS-1

¡P         E&M works including delivering and setting-up of equipment at BPS superstructure

¡P         Construction of chambers for DN1200 non-return valve and butterfly valve for connection with DN1600 mains at external areas of portion BPS-1

¡P         Construction of base slab, walls, bears and columns for WTB at portion WTW-1

¡P         Construction of base slab, walls, bears and columns for O&LB at portion WTW-2

¡P         Installation of DfMA slab and wall panels for the construction of OLB superstructure and the associated grouting and backfilling works

¡P         Internal and external ABWF works for O&LB superstructure at portion WTW-2

¡P         ELS works for the watermain laying, pipe connections, construction of valve chambers and backfilling works for DN1200 RWM and Entrusted Mains at portion WTW-7

¡P         Laying of DN1200 RWM and Entrusted Mains at portion BPS-3

¡P         E&M modification works for existing Administration Building at portion WTW-3

¡P         E&M modification works for existing Chemical Building at portion WTW-4

¡P         Installation of earthing system for WTB & BPS superstructures

¡P         Installation of drainage pipes and concealed conduits for WTB & OLB superstructures

¡P         Replacement of light fittings at existing Sludge Dewatering House


8.3              Key Issues for the Coming Month

8.3.1        For dry season, special attention should be paid on the potential construction dust impact since most of the construction sites are adjacent to Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works. The Contractor should fully implement the construction dust mitigation measures as appropriately.


8.3.2        All effluent discharge shall fulfill the requirement of Discharge Licence under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.


8.3.3        All other mitigation measures recommended in the Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures of the EM&A Manual should be properly implemented and maintained as far as practicable.

9                    Conclusions and Recommendations

9.1              Conclusions

9.1.1        As advised by the Contractor, the major construction works under Works Contract was commenced on 24 May 2022.  This is the 31st Monthly EM&A Report presenting monitoring results and inspection finding for the Project for the reporting period from 1 to 30 November 2024.


9.1.2        In the Reporting Period, no 24-hour TSP monitoring results triggered the Action/Limit level was recorded. No NOE or the associated corrective actions were therefore issued.


9.1.3        In the Reporting Month, joint site inspections to evaluate the site environmental performance had been carried out by the representatives of the PMD, ET and the Contractor on 5, 12, 19 and 26 November 2024. Joint site inspection with PMD, ET, IEC and the Contractor was carried out on 19 November 2024.  No non-compliance was recorded during the site inspections.


9.1.4        In the Reporting Month, no environmental complaint, prosecution or notification of summons was received.  In addition, no emergency event related to violation of environmental legislation for illegal dumping and landfilling was received.


9.2              Recommendations

9.2.1        For dry season, special attention should be paid on the potential construction dust impact since most of the construction sites are adjacent to Siu Ho Wan Sewage Treatment Works. The Contractor should fully implement the construction dust mitigation measures as appropriately.


9.2.2        All effluent discharge shall fulfill the requirement of Discharge Licence under the Water Pollution Control Ordinance.


9.2.3        All other mitigation measures recommended in the Implementation Schedule for Environmental Mitigation Measures of the EM&A Manual should be properly implemented and maintained as far as practicable.





